Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Should Christian Do___________ (Series explanation)

I am about ready to start my first blogging series. I am quite excited! Many are confused as to what is acceptable and what is not within the marriage bed between a husband and a wife.

In the blogging series, I will be using the same principles found in the book called, Real Marriage. With different fantasies that we may look at, I will address if it is lawful, is it helpful, should I (you) do it?

Because of the nature of this series, some will wish I would go more in depth. Others may think I crossed the line. Some may accuse me of being liberal, while others will think I am not liberal enough.

I am here to proclaim that I love my spouse. That will not change. I am conservative theologically. When it comes to things in the bedroom, I am open to exploration between a husband and a wife. In the future, I may decide to write a book and go even deeper than what I will explain in this series.

My desire is that Jesus will be glorified through my writing. I hope it blesses you. If nothing else, it will help get my thoughts out of my head.

I would encourage you to be seeking ways to serve your spouse.


As a reminder, there will never be pornography on this blog. I will not recommend a link or product knowing that there is pornography. I ask that you do not post anything in a comment that contains any pornographic material. Thank you! 

Check back soon for my first post in the series!

  • What are some fantasies that you have questions about?
  • Are there any questions you have?
  • Feel free to comment below or email me at blissfulintimacy@gmail.com

Serving Christ,

*Blissful Intimacy